Happy New Year!!! It's the time to get excited for what is to come this year and make some goals! Let's talk about your credit score today... thrilling topic, we know! BUT, your credit score is incredibly important for many reasons. Mainly, because a great credit score will grant you lower interest rates on future loans! Think about upping your credit score as a financial goal! Credit scores are made up of a few different factors: payment history, amount owed, length of history, new credit, and types of credit used. Now, how to get and keep a great credit score...

  • Pay your bills early or right on time. Avoid penalties!
  • Pay off your debt as fast as possible. (loans, lines of credit, etc)
  • Use your credit card wisely and pay more than the minimum each month.
  • Try to keep little to no balance on credit cards.
  • Don't apply for 15 different credit cards. While having credit cards does help your credit score, each time you apply for one it counts against your credit score.

There are websites out there that let you look at your credit score for free! Make sure to look at your credit score every so often to make sure everything looks correct and your score is rising! is a good option, but there are several. 

Remember that building your credit takes time!

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