Your 20's are supposed to be a time to get on your feet and have fun!  This time is also usually defined by a series of big life changes.  Make sure you are prepared for all these changes by being financially stable!

  • Make a budget - create a budget and aim to live on less than you earn.  Click here to read our tips on budgeting.
  • Start a 401(k) - If your company offers a 401(k) then you need to jump on board to contributing!  It is never too early to start saving for retirement.
  • Pay off debt - pay off your debt as quick as you can.  Be sure to pay off the debt with the highest interest first, as that will save you money.  Also, don't rack up credit card debt.  Remember to live on less than you earn.
  • Commit to saving money - saving money can be as simple as packing a lunch for work instead of going out to eat.  There are many ways to save money - you jut have to be mindful.
  • Create an emergency fund - emergencies are expensive!  Have an emergency fund to prevent going into debt or getting yourself in a bind.  Click here to find out how to start one.

If you have any questions on anything mentioned above please let us know! 


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