Credit card fraud can happen to anyone!  And it can happen fast.  Be sure to keep a keen eye on your statements to report anything that looks suspicious.  Most of the time you can also set alerts if the company spots anything out of the ordinary.  Keep reading for some tips to keep your information out of the wrong hands!

  • Keep your credit cards in your wallet and close to you.  Never let your wallet/purse out of your sight.  But, if you do lose it make sure to cancel the card as soon as possible!  Thieves act fast - so try to act faster.
  • Never give your credit card number over the phone to someone that calls you.  Credit card scammers love to pose as the credit card company.  Hang up the phone and call the number on the back of your card to make sure they are the people actually calling you.
  • Shred or rip up credit card statements.  Or, even better, get them electronically!
  • Be safe while you are online shopping.  Make sure you are purchasing from legitimate websites only.
  • Make sure your password for your online account is strong.  You should also consider changing it every few months.
  • Remember to always report suspicious activity!
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